New Year’s Resolutions for your Company

Welcome, 2023! 

What is your company’s New Year’s Resolution? What are you planning to do to raise your company and products above the other vendor noise? Instead of assuming you know what your customers and prospects want and need, make 2023 the year you KNOW.

How do you do this? Sure, you can send out a survey or poll, but that offers one-sided input on what you think your customers want. These are all good ideas, but according to the stats, an Advisory Board is one of the most compelling and impactful ways to engage with the customer and prospective executives.

Why an Advisory Board is a value-add to your company:

  •  Provide an unbiased, fresh set of eyes on your product
  •  Making an investment in a person and not a single transaction
  •  Receiving guidance on brand, market positioning, technical roadmaps, and target personas
  •  Developing a marketing story that resonates with the CXOs that they can sell to their board or boss for budget
  •  Increasing sales and revenue and attaining more logos (prospect boards)
  •  Renewals and expansions are easier to secure and become automatic (customer boards)
  •  Account penetration speed, introductions to your Target Accounts
  •  Faster feedback cycles
  •  Teach your executive leadership and sales teams how to build lasting rapport with the C-Suite; the little things matter and make you stand out above your competition
  •  Elevating the Organization as an innovator with a solid advisory board backing; heightens your company to a higher caliber

If adding an Advisory Board is on your roadmap for 2023, Security Sisters Network is here to help. We have the expertise to help you grow your business with the right people, strategy, intuition, and experience, all at the right time! We bring together a network of 15,000+ CISOs and Information Security professionals, structured problem-solving expertise, and 25+ years of experience.