Why invest in an SSN Advisory Board?

Getting to the CXO is hard


With over 3,500 cyber security vendors the noise in the marketplace is deafening and getting to CXOs is uniquely challenging.

CXOs are deluged with dozens of invitations from security vendors for all kinds of sales events -- from steak dinners to golf and sports outings – executives are burned out. It’s no wonder that CXOs you need to reach don’t show up at these events.

Even reaching friendly CXOs in your customer base is tough. Since most companies have about 45 security products installed, it’s impossible for a CXO to be involved with every vendor. And of course, security and business challenges can put even your strongest advocates out of reach on any given day.


Find out how we can get CXOs from your key accounts engaged in your success

Get in front of the right CXOs


CXOs from major accounts don’t want to attend another event, not even for (another) gift card or some expensive swag. And since they are overwhelmed with vendor noise It’s no wonder your marketing and sales outreach falls flat when it comes to CXOs.

The problem is that if you’re not talking to CXOs it’s harder to craft messaging and positioning that resonates with them. And CXOs are a uniquely valuable source of strategic business advice and market insight that can improve the efficiency of your entire go-to-market strategy.

Get face-to-face with the CXOs that matter to your business

SSN has relationships with

 All of the top 10 U.S. financial services firms

All of the top 10 U.S. and 8 of the top 10 global tech firms

9 of the top 10 U.S. and 6 of the top 10 global retailers

8 of the top 10 U.S. and 6 of the top 10 global healthcare firms

7 of the top 10 U.S. and 8 of the top 10 global airlines

Here’s what our CXO Advisory Board attendees say about our events:

SSN has over 22 years of crafting white glove advisory board events that CXOs love and come drive business growth for our customers.

A man with glasses and a jacket on.

Ricardo LaFosse

CISO of Kraft Heinz
" When Suzanne and Brooke reach out, they reach out with a purpose, they are well organized, and outcome driven… I smile every time I see an email from them.”

A woman standing in front of a wall with her arms crossed.

Dr. Allysa Abdullah

Deputy CISO of Mastercard
“Brooke and Suzanne’s ability to operate executive events is inarguably exceptional. They go above and beyond to ensure each executive has a special experience.“

A man in a suit and tie standing up.

Devon Bryan

CIO of Carnival Corporation
“Brooke, by far, outpaces the competition in the very challenging tradecraft of CXO relationship building. There are many CXO relationship builders, but Brooke stands out as someone who values the authenticity of building a friendship with us…”

SSN has over 22 years of experience crafting white-glove advisory board events that CXOs love