
A road view of the white house from the signal

We’re from the government and we’re not here to help

November 30, 2023

Last week the SEC announced that they are pursuing fraud charges against the CISO of SolarWinds and this has the CISO community up in arms. There are lots of people throwing stones at SolarWinds and many CISOs heaving well aimed…

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A pair of glasses sitting on top of a computer screen.

The Executive Advisory Board 2024 Planning Guide for Cybersecurity CMOs

November 30, 2023

Get more sizzle in your marketing plans for 2024 with an Executive Advisory Board It’s budget season again, and this year CMOs are facing a 2024 budget season that includes new levels of economic uncertainty.  As marketing teams are sharpening…

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A man's hand is touching a white esc key.

The great CISO resignation according to CISOs

November 10, 2023

We talk with dozens of CISOs every week. They share their plans, frustrations and ideas with us and we’re often the first to know when they are leaving a job or looking for a new one. We think we have…

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A conference room with a large table and chairs.

Sharpen your Competitive Advantage with Executive Advisory Boards

October 9, 2023

Part One: Strategic Business Advice Imagine a “Dream Team” Executive Advisory Board designed specifically for your company. First, you’d get at least 10 senior executives from your top customer and prospect accounts together, face-to-face with your top executives and technology…

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An executive conference room with a white table and chairs.

Why your Advisory Board Isn’t Working (and what to do about it)

October 9, 2023

The business value of Executive Advisory Boards is well established. A group of engaged C-level executives from your key accounts can provide critical  feedback on your product and marketing strategies, and this feedback is extremely valuable because it comes directly…

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