2023 Planning?

It’s October already, and before you know it, the holidays will be upon us. Is your company ready for 2023, and if you aim to improve your strategies, NOW is the time to act!

This is the perfect time to start planning how your business will grow in 2023 so you can start the year off by hitting the ground running. As you begin your planning and budgeting process, what activities are you planning that will lead to your bottom line, improve your product and create meaningful relationships with your prospects and customers at the executive level? 

One of the line items in your budget to achieve all of the above should be creating and building an executive-level advisory board. In a recent study by BDC*, 86% of businesses with an advisory board saw a significant impact on their business. Organizations with advisory boards saw sales up 24% and a productivity increase of 18%.

Creating an executive board allows companies to build genuine, lasting relationships, get input from experts who have NOT been drinking the Kool-Aid, and can introduce you to other executives. Security Sisters Network™ affirms that C-Suite executive-to-executive relationships are paramount in taking careers and businesses to the next level. However, a company needs to facilitate, create, and foster c-suite solid connections and networks; SSN™ was founded to solve that very problem!

With a combined network of over 15,000 global CXO leaders, SSN shares a passion for personally knowing the members within their network. We are committed and dedicated to high-end executive events with exposure to cutting-edge technologies that promote value-driven outcomes and loyalty from their executives. 

Let’s talk about how we can facilitate taking your business to the next level with an executive advisory board in 2023!